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Группа в STEAM: Player's | its0ft
Группа вКонтакте: Player's | its0ft
[Unban] blessmefather
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Группа в STEAM: Player's | its0ft
Группа вКонтакте: Player's | its0ft
[Unban] blessmefather
Urban rZ
Unban moower
Расшифровки ошибок:
A Steam account already exists with that contact email address
Bad Command Character in Client Command
Bad file server is enforcing file consistency
Bad Parse in Client Command
Bad server address
Buffer overflow in net message
Cabinet file error, fatal disk error, or similar with Half-Life 2 installation
Can't find (or bad or corrupted or invalid) background image materials/console/background0.vtf
Cannot open blob archive file: CMultiFieldBlob(mem-mapped file): Failed to open file
Client dropped by server and Warning: Connection Problem
Could not connect to game server Reason:LAN servers are restricted to local clients(class C)
Debug Assertion Failed Program: steam.exe
Delete of steam.exe failed, Win32 Error 5 Access is denied
Disconnect: Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket
dropped due to slot reservation
Dual-core Troubleshooting
Engine Error - Too many verts for a Dynamic Vertex Buffer
Error verifying STEAM UserID ticket
Failed to load dialog file Resource/UI/ClassMenu.res
Failed to lock index buffer in CMeshDX8::LockIndexBuffer
Failed with Error 15: Cache Read Failure and Error 13 Permission denied, data cache needs to be flushed
Fatal Error: Failed to load platform modules
Fragment transmission aborted at 1/1
Game Crash: Game crashes when binding console key to §
Game Error: Bad Surface Extents
Game Error: client.dll mismatch
Game Error: Disconnect: Kicked by Console: Illegal Alias In Use
Game Error: Disconnected: Server uses different class tables
Game Error: Missing .wad file when loading a map
Game Error: SteamGetEncryptedUserIDTicket Failed
Game Error: SV StartSound: volume
Game Errors: Secure connection failed, No Steam logon, or A connection to the VAC servers could not be made
Games freeze or crash with looping sounds (paged pool memory issues)
GoldSrc Game Crash: HL has caused an error in GAMEUI.DLL
GoldSrc Game Error: Could not find de vegas.wad
GoldSrc Game Error: LoadTGA: Only type 2 and 10 targa RGB images supported
GoldSrc Game Error: Mod LoadBrushModel: wrong version number (0 should be 30)
GoldSrc Game Error: TEX InitFromWad: .wad isnt a wadfile
GoldSrc Game Error: This server is using a newer protocol (47) than your client (46)
GoldSrc Game Error: Version Check
GoldSrc Game Error: Wad file doesnt have WAD3 id
GoldSrc Game Error: Your system has been modified. Please remove the modification and try again.
Guest Pass Acceptance or Activation Failure
Half-Life has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows. For an update that is compatible with this version of Windows contact Sierra.
Hardware Promotion Issues
HL2.EXE has stopped working
Host error: Bad server message
Host error: Cl_Entitynum: #### is an invalid number, Cl_max edicts is ####
Host_Error: CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message - svc_bad
Host_Error: CL_Parse_Version: Server is protocol -######### instead of 47
Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: User Msg CZCareer/130 sent too much data (195 bytes), 192 bytes max
I've Been Banned
Invalid Steam UserID Ticket
LAN Games Restricted to Class C Clients
My Credit Card Was Declined
NET SendPacket ERROR WSAEINTR (Winsock error)
Netchannel: Failed processing message svc_UpdateStringTable
Net_Send Packet error: WSAEINTR
Page Fault Found In A Non Paged Area
Platform Error: bad module Friends/friendsUI.dll, not loading
Precondition Assertion Failed
Purchase Pending
Received fragment out of order
Reliable Channel Overflow
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Running out of memory while playing
SDK Errors: Cache needs decryption or repair
Server Error: Host Error: Couldnt get DLL API from ./-maxplayers/dlls/hl.dll
Server Error: Warning! Using deprecated syntax! with HLDSUPDATETOOL
Server is not responding
Server Verification Failed
Sorry but your ping very large
Sorry! We require DirectX 9 or above to verify the eligibility requirements for the offer.
Sounds do not play or play on only one speaker
Source Game Crash: Game crashes whenever film grain effect is displayed
Source Game Error: Map Version is 0, expecting 19
Steam Crash: A required .DLL file OLEACC.dll was not found
Steam Crash: CMultiFieldBlob(pSerialized): Bad field - extend past end of blob
Steam Crash: Could not load module bin/vgui2.dll
Steam Crash: KERNEL32.dll has encountered a problem with MSIMG32.DLL (Called by bin/Vgui2.dll)
Steam Crash: The MSS DLL is incorrectly installed in the Windows System directory
Steam Crash: Win32 StructuredException: Unspecified floating-point exception
Steam Error: 1334 The file hl2.ico1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in the cabinet file hl24.cab
Steam Error: 1335 the cabinet file .cab required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used
Steam Error: AuthenticationServerRSAPublicKey failed signature verification
Steam Error: BUKA CD Key
Steam Error: CD or DVD not present in drive
Steam Error: ClickandBuy authorization failed--ClickandBuy has reported that your ClickandBuy account needs to be verified or funded...
Steam Error: Directx9b installed while installing Half-Life 2
Steam Error: Disk could not be authenticated while installing Half-Life 2
Steam Error: Duplicate CD Key
Steam Error: ILocalize::Addfile() failed to load file
Steam Error: Invalid CD Key
Steam Error: Invalid Userinfo in Connect Command
Steam Error: Modification to an existing installation of the French DVD HL1: Anthology or CS1: Anthology produces an error
Steam Error: Operating system support ending
Steam Error: The specified subscription is not available for credit card purchase
Steam Error: Код активации компании Бука
Steam is already running
Steam is not a registered protocol
Steam Servers Are Currently Unavailable or Too Busy
Steam: Sorry, this computer does not meet the system requirements for the offer.
SteamStartup(0xf,0x12fc74) failed with error 108: The local steam service is not running
svc_bad Wrote erroneous message to buffer.dat Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client ###
System Error: Could not initialize installation. File size expected, size returned
System Error: No disc inserted when installing
System Error: Steam.exe is not a valid Win32 Application
The Instruction at 0x referenced memory at 0x The memory could not be read
The registry is in use by another process, timeout expired
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way
This game is currently unavailable
This offer has already been activated using a different Steam account.
This server is using newer protocol (x) that your client have (x)
This Steam account already owns the product(s) contained in this offer.
This subscription is not available for purchase in your country
Unable to find Steam.dll entry point InternalSteamStartEngine
Unable to init shader system
Unable to load Authentication Library
Unable to open SteamNew.exe for writing
WARNING: CL_FlushEntityPacket
Warning:Connection problem
You are BANNED. Check your console.
Your CD-Key is invalid
Your HL cd-key already used,Try again later
Your map differs from the servers
Запуск Steam как службы в Vista
Игры зависают при запуске на материнских платах ASUS
Исправление общих ошибок компонента WinSock
Критические обновления Windows Vista
Нет режима OpenGL для игр на движке GoldSrc
Проблема: Вылеты и зависания игр с зацикливанием звука
Проблема: Игра зависает на экране загрузки
Устранение падений игр
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lol blin
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